Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Workshop on Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Location: SupraFAB Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
Save the date: 24.04.2024
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin
18. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 201, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin
17. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
17. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin webex:
16. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
16. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin
Save the date: SFB 1449-Symposium 2024
2. International Symposium on “Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces”
Location: Venue & Location Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Gr. Hörsaal, Arnimallee 22, 14195 Berlin
Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Workshop on Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Location: SupraFAB Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
2. SFB 1449 Sonderkolloquium
Location: SupraFAB Altensteinstr. 23a Room 119 14195 Berlin
15. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Workshop on Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Location: SupraFAB Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
15. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin
14. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin
14. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
13. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin Participation is possible on site and online (
13. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
Talk by Prof. Pradeep Singh
Location: Seminarraum 3, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Forum 3 _______________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams-Besprechung Nehmen Sie auf dem Computer, in der mobilen App oder im Raumgerät teil Hier klicken, um an der Besprechung teilzunehmen Besprechungs-ID: 311 573 671 120 Passcode: sHo4Ym Teams herunterladen | Im Web beitreten Oder rufen Sie an (nur Audio) +49 69 505004910,,603849208# Germany, Frankfurt am Main Telefonkonferenz-ID: 603 849 208# Lokale Nummer suchen | PIN zurücksetzen Weitere Infos | Besprechungsoptionen
12. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin Participation is possible on site and online (
11. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 201 (big meeting point), Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin Participation is possible on site and online (
Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Workshop on Gender, Diversity & Career Development
Location: SupraFAB Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
10. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: SupraFAB building (room 119, Altensteinstr. 23a), 14195 Berlin Participation is possible on site and online (
9. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Großer Hörsaal Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin and via WebEx (
12. Students' Day
Location: SupraFAB, Altensteinstr. 23a, 14195 Berlin
8. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Gr. HS, Arnimallee 22
1. Symposium of the CRC 1449
1. International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1449 “Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces”
7. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Charité Campus Virchow Klinikum, Forschungshaus, Forum 4, Hörsaal der Pathologie
6. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Hybrid event Please join us in the Lecture Hall B (B.004), Arnimallee 22, or via
5. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Hybrid event Please join us in the Lecture Hall B (B.004), Arnimallee 22, or via
4. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: WebEx
3. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Zoom
2. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Zoom
SFB 1449 Sonderkolloquium
Location: Großer Hörsaal Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin und via WebEx
1. Kolloquium des SFB 1449
Location: Großer Hörsaal Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin and via WebEx
Kick-off Meeting of the CRC 1449
Location: Großer Hörsaal Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin and via WebEx