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Project Leaders of Central Projects of the CRC

Information management and information infrastructure in the Collaborative Research Center

Dr. Kai Ludwig

Project leader of INF

+49 30 838 53908

Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte

Project leader of INF

+49 30 838 75353

Integrated Research Training Group IRTG “Dynamic Hydrogels at Biointerfaces”

Dr. rer. nat. Stephan Block

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Bionanointerfaces"

Spokesperson of the IRTG and Project leader of A03 and B03

+49 30 838 60071

Stephan Block

Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag

Spokesperson of the CRC 1449 and Project leader of B03, C04, Z01, Z03, and IRTG

+49 30 838 52633


Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch

Deputy Spokesperson of the IRTG and Project leader of C02

+49 30 838 55344

Bioanalytical core unit

Dr. Jens Dernedde

Project leader of Z01

+49 30 450 569 203

Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag

Spokesperson of the CRC 1449 and Project leader of B03, C04, Z01, Z03, and IRTG

+49 30 838 52633


Dr. Philipp Mertins

Group Leader and Head of Proteomics Technology Platform

Project leader of C03 and Z01

+49 30 9406 2600

Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel

Project leader of C03 and Z01

+49 30 838 72703

In vitro and in vivo hydrogel model systems core unit

Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Mall

Deputy Spokesperson of the CRC 1449 and Project leader of A01, C04 and Z02


Prof. Dr. med. Britta Siegmund

Project Area Coordinator and Project leader of B04 and Z02


Prof. Dr. Marie Weinhart

Project leader of B04 and Z02

+49 30 838 75050


Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Center

Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag

Spokesperson of the CRC 1449 and Project leader of B03, C04, Z01, Z03, and IRTG

+49 30 838 52633
